Wiosenna aura za oknem sprzyja pracom w ogrodzie, a naturalne sytuacje najlepiej sprawdzają się w przyswajaniu języka obcego. Nauczmy dzieci odrobiny odpowiedzialności i pozwólmy im dbać o swoje świeżo posadzone kwiatki/warzywa. Nic nie cieszy bardziej od widocznych z dnia na dzień efektów własnej pracy. Jest szansa, że dzieci pokochają przyrodę, staną się otwarte na środowisko i w naturalny sposób przyswoją nową porcję słownictwa ;-)
Planting in the garden:
- Let's dig and rake the soil to make sure the ground is ready for planting.
- Let's plant the seeds.
- Poke three holes in the soil and put one seed in each hole.
- Flowers should be planted in a flowerbed.
- We'll plant those vegetables in a vegetable patch.
- The plants need water, sun and soil to grow.
- For quick results we can grow radishes. They germinate in just 3-10 days.
- The soil must be free of rocks if you want to plant carrots.
- We have to keep the soil well-watered!
- Let's plant only two sunflowers because they take lots of room!
- Sunflower will sprout in just a week and become a seedling in just two weeks.
- Add lots of compost/fertilizer.
- Netting the plants will protect them from predators.
- Let's harvest the fruits/vegetables. Those big scissors are called shears.
Planting in a flowerpot:
- Let's pot a flower. (AmE, posadzić w doniczce)
- Cherry tomatoes should be planted in full sun.
- Let's grow them in containers!
- These flowers prefer sunny, dry locations.
- Look, the flower consists of a root, stem, leaves, petals and a pollen stick.
- Now they will bloom with red/yellow/blue flowers.
- Oh, no! The flowers are drooping. We need to water them.
- Let's get rid of those withered/wilted flowers.
Garden care:
- The lawn needs mowing. Did you see the mower/lawnmower/grassmower in the shed?
- Let's rake the grass.
- Will you help me put all the grass in the bags?
- The hedge needs trimming.
- Gather all the dry sticks, please.
- Let's take the garden hose/hosepipe out to water the plants.
- Watch out! There's a stinging nettle in front of you!
- Look, the bee is collecting nectar from a flower. Bees use their long, straw like tube tongues to suck the nectar out of the flower. They will turn it into honey.
- I wonder if there are any nestings in the tree hollow.
- Can you count how many tree rings are on this stump? Every year a tree is producing one ring, so you can find out how old the tree is.
- The sweet smell of flowers attract butterflies.
- Snails love to feed on lettuce.
- Earthworms are usually hiding under rocks. Do you want to look for them?
- Let's make a scarecrow to scare all the predators away!
- Deciduous trees loose their leaves in autumn but in sping new buds are showing and the threes become green again.
- Coniferous trees are evergreen. They have needles and cones!
Child's self-satisfaction:
- How's my favourite gardener?
- Someone's got a green thumb/green fingers here!
- Look how fast your plants are growing!
- I'm glad that you water your plants everyday.
- Yes, those flowers are edible, we can add them to a salad to check their taste.
- Please remember that not all petals are eatable, though.
- I'm so proud of you. You have grown your first potato!
- You're very patient. Excellent, patience is crucial in gardening.
Zerknijcie również do dwóch filmów. Pierwszy opowiada przystępnym językiem o życiu roślin, fotosyntezie, zapylaniu, nawożeniu, itd.:
Drugi to przyjemna piosenka z instrukcją jak sadzić i dbać o rośliny:
W następnym wpisie podzielę się z Wami rymowankami i wierszami na temat sadzenia i dbania o rośliny, które z powodzeniem można śpiewać wykorzystując melodie do znanych nursery rhymes.
Owocnych prac!
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