6 stycznia 2019

WINTER FUN, czyli zimowe słownictwo po angielsku

Pogoda, ubrania, zdrowie:
  1. It's bitterly cold (b. zimno) outside today. You must wrap up warm (ciepło się ubrać). Don't forget your earmuffs (nauszniki), they'll keep your ears warm.
  2. Let's put on your eiderdown jacket / down jacket / puffer jacket. (kurtka puchowa)
  3. Why aren't you wearing your gloves (rękawiczki na 5 palców)/ mittens (rękawiczki na 2 palce)? Your hands are freezing. (lodowate)
  4. Look at those huge snowdrifts! (zaspy) We have to clear the snow (odśnieżyć) from our doorstep and driveway.
  5. The snowplough (BrE) / snowplow (AmE) (odśnieżarka) pushes snow off the roads.
  6. It's so slippery (gładko) today. You really have to watch your step. Fortunately, these winter boots give a good grip, even on slippery slopes. (stoki)
  7. We need to drive home carefully, there's black ice / clear ice (niewidoczna gołoledź) in many areas. 
  8. The temperature dropped significantly, glazing all the roads. (pokryć lodem)
  9. Let's stay at home tonight. The snow is melting (topi się) and it's too blustery (b. wietrznie). I don't like when droplets of cold water gust against my face.
  10. It's sleeting. (pada deszcz ze śniegiem) Half frozen rain is not pleasant.
  11. The snow does not melt when the temperature is below zero. (poniżej zera)
  12. Let's head home. We've been outside for so long. We don't want to get frostbite! (odmrożenia)
  13. Yesterday we got stuck in a blizzard / snowstorm (zamieć) and today we're expecting heavy showers of hail. (grad)
  14. It's snowing lightly. (prószy)
  15. Look at those long icicles (sople lodu) hanging from a roof, never stand under them.
  16. Oh, no! You're sniffling again. (pociągasz nosem)
  17. The Christmas lights (świąteczne lampki) and sparkly decorations (połyskujące) in the streets make the whole city glow (blask) during the winter season.
  18. Look at this beautiful winter scenery (zimowy krajobraz), white snowy trees (zaśnieżone) and a blanket of fresh snow covering the fields.
  19. Only evergreen (wiecznie zielone) trees don't lose their leaves and stay green in the winter.

Zabawy w śniegu:

  1. Let's make footprints (ślady) in the snow.
  2. Let's play snowballs (bawić się śnieżkami)/ Let's have a snowball fight (bitwa na śnieżki). I'll show you how to form / make a snowball.
  3. We can go sledging. It's so much fun to soar down a hill (pędzić w dół), but remember we have to return to the top. Will you climb back up?
  4. Let's build a fort (fort). You need to form blocks and stack them on top of one another.
  5. Let's build an igloo (iglo). Each row of our igloo dome has to slope gradually inward.
  6. Catch a snowflake! (płatek śniegu).  It's not snowing but we can toss snow (podrzucać) in the air.
  7. Make a snow angel (aniołek w śniegu). Lie down on your back, move your hands up and down and your legs from side to side.
  8. This weekend we're taking you to an ice rink (lodowisko). Ice skating (łyżwiarstwo) is similar to rollerblading. Bend your knees, push off and glide.
  9. Let's go sledding (iść na sanki). Sit comfortably, daddy will pull the sledge.
  10. This slope (stok) isn't that steep. Let's use a slippery racer (jabuszko) / toboggan (tobogan)/ flexible flyer (sanki drewniano-metalowe)/ inflatable sledge (BrE) / sled (AmE) (dmuchana opona/materac) / sledge (sanki tradycyjne drewniane lub ogólnie przyrząd do ślizgania).
  11. We can use your summer toys. Let's take the spade / shovel (łopatka), bucket (wiaderko), digger (koparka) and dumper (BrE) / dump truck (AmE) (wywotka) and play with them in the snow!


  1. Let's make/build a snowman. 
  2. First, let's make the snowman's body and then his head. 
  3. We have to find sticks for his arms and stones for his eyes and mouth. 
  4. Now, we need a carrot to make the snowman's nose.

Na koniec instrukcje w języku angielskim, które pomogą Wam wprowadzić dzieciom Wasze ulubione sporty zimowe. Zerknijcie:

Nauka jazdy na łyżwach:

Nauka jazdy na snowboardzie:

Jazda na nartach dla początkujących:

Do zobaczenia wkrótce!


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